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We either grow or we die. If there is no deliberate decision to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, we will be conformed to this world.  
 2 Cor 6:9 teaches us how to sow the seed.  We can only reap what we sow. If we are sporadic, and inconsistent in sowing, we reap sparingly. Not only do we need to sow but if we do not sow at the set time, we will have wasted an entire season and have lost a whole year.
In order to have a plentiful harvest the seed has to be sown in the right type of soil. We can scatter our life’s seed all over the place or we can deliberately choose to sow into kingdom soil.
This means we have to reset our mindset.  We can either allow cultural norms absent of faith define our life and future or we can reset our life to a kingdom mindset.
A kingdom mindset:
1.    We have been designed and anointed for growth
2.    The commitment to growth begins with the faith to obey
3.    It is our responsibility for type of soil of our heart, and our life
4.    God is the one who brings about the growth
Consider and discuss the following questions:
1.    In what areas are we going to grow in this year? In our life, family relationships, in ministry? Be specific. (Eph4:15)
2.    What are things that impede our growth? The little foxes that spoil the vine (Song of Songs2:15)