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God’s dream is a family that gathers together, grows together, and goes into all the world bringing God’s scattered family back to him together.

In fact the whole Bible is God telling us about his dream. (Mat 12:48-50)

When man sinned, he sent his son Jesus to show us the way back to the Father, (John 14:6) so that God could have his dream of a family. The gospel is the love of the Father for his family. (John 3:16)

Now that the way has been made back to the Father, what keeps us from his dream is our un-surrendered dreams. The greatest threat to the gospel being preached is us putting our dreams in front of God’s dream.  God was willing to give his only begotten son for him to have his dream. Are we willing to give our dreams so that God can have his family? We will find if we put God’s dream in front our dreams we will find our dreams.(Mat. 19:28-29)

Consider and discuss the following questions:

1. Do we have an un-surrendered dreams that is keeping us from serving the Lord or giving obediently?

2. Do we have an un-surrendered dream that is causing problems in our marriage, in our family? Sports, work, business, hobbies …

3. Is our life self centered or God centered? Are we about the Father’s business or are we trying get what we want? Think about Judas and the woman with the alabaster attitude and motivations