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The Lord has chosen us for his own inheritance and for us to be a peculiar treasure unto him above all the people.. (Ps 33:12 and Ex 19:5) so the enemy comes to steal and to kill and destroy us. But we are not ignorant of his devices. (2Cor 2:1)
The same tactics, the devil used in the beginning to shackle and destroy humanity is being used today. (Ex1:8-14,5:1)

1.  The Egyptians were intimidated so they intimidated the Israelites. The kingdom of darkness is intimidated by the church. The Egyptians assigned them taskmasters to oppress them with forced labor. The kingdom of darkness is intimidated by the church and it has assigned demons, addictions, discouragement etc to oppress and harass the church.

2.  The oppression from the taskmasters only caused the Israelites to multiply because when the light shineth in the darkness and the darkness can not comprehend it or overtake it or take possession of it. (John 1:5) The light always dispels the the darkness just as the Truth always dispels the lies.

3.  Moses had to confront Pharaoh (Ex 5:1) We have to confront whatever is holding us in bondage. Most people fear confrontation but without confrontation there is no victory. We have to make room for God to speak, to remove the lids of limitations that is snuffing out the fire of God in our life.

He is inviting us to come out of Egypt and bring the children out. In order to do that we have to separate ourselves, set time out to meet with God. (2 Cor 6:17…come out from among them and be ye separate.)
God is calling men and women, his sons and daughters with a prophetic authority to speak to this generation, this culture, to you, your children. To speak truth and call them out of the fear and lies that the enemy has shackled them with. ( Ex3:10)
To recognize that you been riding two horses and today is the day you choose who owns you and has the right to call you to repentance and restoration.

Consider and discuss the following questions:
1. How and why is the kingdom of darkness intimidated by the you and the church?
2. What lies, weakness, discouragement, bondage keeps you from speaking the truth?
3. Where are you and the church slack in confronting the devil?