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The advantage point of any battle is always the higher ground. Your view is drastically different depending on where you stand. When you wage war from the wrong vantage point, you can easily lose your vision and become disoriented. However, standing upon the higher ground enables you to see the bigger picture and base your next move accordingly. In other words, with the right vantage point you’re much more likely to be in the right position to take ground! 

As the church the Lord is calling us to “come up here”! (Song of Songs 2:13 & 4:8 TPT) The battle has been intense, long, and sometimes even disorienting. If we’re willing to heed the call, shut down all other competing narratives, and make Jesus our greatest pursuit our vantage point will change! 

There is a company of people arising with anointing, strength, and wisdom, carrying substance from another realm that will bring life to a weary people. This victorious company is the church, the bride of Jesus Christ, who sets there face and heart upon the King and pursues Him regardless of the cost! 

In this pursuit we are therefore transformed. Read slowly 2 Corinthians 3:18 (TPT) “We can all draw close to him with the veil removed from our faces. And with no veil we all become like mirrors who brightly reflect the glory of the Lord Jesus. We are being transfigured into his very image as we move from one brighter level of glory to another. And this glorious transfiguration comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.”

You see, we become and/or reflect what we behold! The place of transformation is sometimes less complicated that we realize. It’s not complicated, it’s just costly! In Daniel 12:9-10, and Isaiah 60:1-2 you see the radiance of such a people! This is the destiny of the church! It’s the high place that we must all ascend to! Will you remove the hidden compromises?(Song of Songs 2:15) Will you make up your mind in spite of fears to climb the mountain of suffering love as Christ made up His mind to face Calvary for you? (Song of Songs 4:6 TPT) 


1. Have you found yourself disoriented this past year? What do you believe has been your vantage point? 

2. As you evaluate your life in light of 2 Corinthians 3:28, what do you believe are you beholding/looking upon? 

3. Can you see yourself being apart of this victorious company of people arising? 

4. What price must be paid?