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Genesis 1:27-28; 31 God created man in his image, and blessed them. God said that it was very good after he made man. But sin entered and escalated. The same slippery slope that humanity slid down in the beginning is the same slippery slope humanity is sliding down and spiraling out of control today.
What the enemy did in human history and what he has done in your family history is same. In Ecclesiastes 1:9-10 … is there anything of which one might say, see it is new? It has already existed..
The same tactics used by the enemy to corrupt humanity has been used to manipulate you and your family today.
2 Corinthians 2:11 Lest Satan get an advantage of us for we are not ignorant of his devices.

Satan uses three main ways to destroy you and your family

1. Deception: Eve was seduced and deceived. Temptation called and allured her. Here Satan was masquerading as an angel of light. Jesus said, in Mathew 23:27-30 Pharisees had a show of righteousness but inside they were full of dead men’s bones, and all uncleanness. You are full of hypocrisy and iniquity(lawlessness) when you have a form of godliness, you are easily deceived.

2. Offense: Cain was offended that his offering was not received. He felt rejected. He was in a sinkhole of emotions. Cain needed to master his offense. It was crouching like a predator to overcome him. Sin wanted to be intimate with Cain. He had to decide if would nurse, rehearse and be a companion to the offense. Or would he allow God to help him overcome the offense.

3. Delusion: Lamech killed a young man and said if Cain was avenged 7 times, then he would be avenged 77times. His knowledge of God and scriptures was twisted. He had an incomplete knowledge of God’s word. To the Sadducees, Jesus said, you err because you do not know the scriptures. In 2 Thessalonians 2:10-11 .. Because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them a strong delusion that they might believe a lie.. if you do not love the truth and obey it, your faith becomes twisted, corrupted and you slide down the slope of greasy grace. Its not just the study of his word that keeps you from delusion, it’s the love and the obedience of his word that keeps you from the corruption and delusion.

Questions to consider:
1. Describe a time you were deceived and why you were deceived?
2. What makes it difficult for you to release and offense?
3. What can you do to study, meditate and obey the scriptures to avoid being deluded?

As you encourage, and apply the scriptures, please remind your people about:
1. Summit at Tall Timbers November 19-20
2. 12 houses of Christmas lights, our evangelistic outreach to the community
3. Worship night at the Bayou Church, October 22 at 7 pm to come together as the body of Christ to host God’s presence in this region.