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Jesus gave His followers a COMMAND: “Follow Me.” And a PROMISE: “I will equip you to find others to follow Me.” Matthew 4:19

“Follow me”, not so simple but extremely straightforward. It requires that not only do we have to let go of our self-driven life, but also its clear that His footsteps are to be our footsteps. Where did He intentionally walk? Where did He intentionally stop? With whom did He intentionally reach out to with a helping hand? And finally, where did He intentionally never go? Many times the temptation is to do what feels better, rather than being intentional in following His footsteps. Feelings shouldn’t be our strongest counselor because they won’t always be in agreement with the will of God. Jesus is once again the perfect example of this. His feelings in the Garden of Gethsemane were clearly heard when He said, “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” (22:42) His feelings weren’t His strongest counselor, the Father’s will was Jesus’ supreme anchor to which He obeyed.

“I will equip and/or transform you!”

The Passion translation states it this way: “Jesus called out to them and said, “Come and follow me, and I will transform you into men who catch people for God.” Matthew‬ ‭4:19‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Not only are we given a straightforward command, but it’s attached with a beautiful promise, “I will equip and transform you!” In our willingness to surrender and to say yes in following the Lord wholeheartedly, there is grace. Grace doesn’t excuse our unwillingness, it empowers our surrender and transforms us into who Jesus already says we are! What amazing grace, oh how sweet it is!!!!!

“But God’s amazing grace has made me who I am! And his grace to me was not fruitless. In fact, I worked harder than all the rest, yet not in my own strength but God’s, for his empowering grace is poured out upon me.” 1 Corinthians‬ ‭15:10‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Taking the First Step

Being a disciple maker means that you will begin to look at the people in your life differently. God has placed these people in your life so that you will do everything you can to influence them. Take some time to consider your first step toward disciple making. Whom has God placed in your life that you can teach to follow Jesus? Maybe God is laying someone on your heart you don’t know very well. Your first step could be building a relationship with that person. Maybe it’s someone you’ve known for years, and God is calling you to take that relationship to another level. God has placed you where you are, and the people around you are not there by accident. Keep in mind that the Great Commission calls us to every type of person, to those inside of the church as well as to those outside, to those who are like us and those who are very different.


  1. What excuses tend to keep you from following Jesus’s command to make disciples? What do you need to do in order to move past these excuses?
  2. Whom has God placed in your life right now that you can begin making into a disciple of Jesus Christ?
  3. Whom has God placed in your life for you to partner with in mak- ing disciples? (2×2 prayer card)