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Sports played a huge role in my life growing up. My summers always consisted of softball as far back as I can remember. I also played flag-football, basketball, and ran cross country. So I’m very familiar with the role of the umpire. They were never meant to be the star in the game. They just blended into the background as they held their posts. However, the role of an umpire was vital in maintaining peace.

Col. 3:15 says that God has given us an UMPIRE.

“And let the peace (soul harmony which comes) from Christ RULE and act as UMPIRE continually) in your hearts (deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise in your minds, in that peaceful state to which as members of Christ’s one body you were called to live.”

The Lord desires to express who He is through His people in all situations of life, both in the good and difficult times. However, It’s really hard to operate as God had intended when we’re anxious and stressed. There are two fountains or sources we can draw from in life, fear or love! Let me say it this way. Every DECISION that is made either comes from fear or love. Every THOUGHT that we ponder on either comes fear or love. Every WORD we speak either comes from fear or love. I know it may sound repetitive, but it’s important to understand when we are positioned in love either in thought, word, or deed PEACE is the outcome. When our thoughts, words, or actions come from fear peace will be in lack.


The world defines peace as freedom from disturbance, which means peace is determined by external circumstances. Biblical peace is unrelated to circumstances; it is a wholeness and/or soundness that is not touched by what happens on the outside. It is undistracted fearlessness and trust in the GIVER OF PEACE!

Jesus said, “My peace I give to you.” Notice He says “My peace.” It is His own personal peace that He offers us. It is the same deep, rich peace that stilled His heart in the midst of mockers, haters, murderers, traitors, and everything else He faced. (John 14:27)

The peace Jesus is speaking of enables us to remain still in the most fearful of circumstances. It enables us to stand strong and offer solutions to the world around us, it enables us to rejoice in pain and trial, and worship in the middle of suffering. This peace has the power to overrule every hard, painful, and difficult external circumstance in order to FULLY express who Jesus!


  1. Do you ever deal with anxiety or fear? How? I would encourage some soul searching. Ask the question, Is its source coming from fear or love?
  2. Discuss a time when circumstances called for fear, and great peace kept you.
  3. Jesus addresses the topic of peace all throughout the Bible… read and discuss at least 3.
  4. Pray for each other.