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Throughout his life Jesus traveled on pilgrimage to Jerusalem, in the early years with family caravans from Nazareth and in later years with his disciples from Capernaum. The Bible mentions three annual pilgrim feasts, in which God’s people would bring the first fruits of their harvests and celebrate their exodus. It was set times where everything else in life was put aside and this became their main focus. I could image it was a time of great reflection, thanksgiving, and renewal. 

Today, our lives are filled with great pressures and expectations that often keep us running seven days a week for the fear of falling behind or failing the ones we love. How does one keep up? How do we not only keep up, but how do we grow stronger with every step forward as Psalms 84:7 declares? The Lord in His wisdom knew this great temptation would be before us and therefore our wonderful Father gave us a safeguard which can be found in Psalms 84! 

“Blessed are those who dwell in Your house; They will still be praising You. Selah Blessed is the man whose strength is in You, Whose heart is set on pilgrimage. As they pass through the Valley of Baca, They make it a spring; The rain also covers it with pools. They go from strength to strength; Each one appears before God in Zion.”

Psalms 84:4-7 NKJV

If we spend our strength in God’s ways we will find it increase. His ways are above our ways therefore what the Lord often requires doesn’t usually make logical since and it always requires faith! 

His ways speak of a people who find their longing fulfilled by dwelling in the House of God with hearts of thanksgiving. His ways speak of a people whose hearts are set on being in His presence at any price or inconvenience. His ways speak of a people that are not offended with God when life becomes difficult, rather they allow their dark valley of tears to become a pleasant pool of transformation. 

Life has its challenges, none of us can escape this reality. However, as a child God as we set our steps according to His ways we will discover greater strength arising. Let us set our hearts upon this great pilgrimage and discover the great reward of His presence! 


1. Read Psalms 84 and discuss 

2. Have you ever gone away to meet with the Lord? What was it like? Do you think this important to set this time aside a few times a year? 

3. Is regular church attendance important to you? Do you ever struggle with it? What are your obstacles so we can pray with you about them? 

4. Are you growing in strength? Do you recognize any area that you may need to repent of?