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The word, “anoint” or “anointing” can conjure up many different pictures or levels of understanding to a group people. It wouldn’t be of surprise to get ten different answers when asking ten different people what anointing means to them. I have heard many identify Anointing as a mystical force, gifting, ability, talent, emotionalism or even a specific charismatic type of personality. However, these definitions or explanations are inaccurate. Anointing is none other than the PERSON and PRESENCE of HOLY SPIRIT, bringing with Him the necessary power, authority, and gifts to fulfill the Father’s will in a given moment of ministry or assignment! We can be anointed in the marketplace as a physician, accountant, or store clerk for a specific assignment just as much as we could be anointed to preach salvation to the multitudes in Africa. 

WE ARE ALL ANOINTED! We are told in  1 John 2:20 that God has “anointed us”—not with water or oil, but with His Holy Spirit. We’ve been drenched in the goodness of God’s very presence and set apart for a special calling—to lay down our lives for God’s glory. God has set us apart for Himself—not to be pulled out of the hard places, but rather to faithfully serve within them—to act as faithful caretakers, following Him all our days, and standing firm in faith. He’s calling us, you and me, to labor alongside Him in bringing restoration. Our understanding of the anointing must not stop or be limited to the four walls of the church. The anointing is a sacred privilege given to ALL believers not for the purpose to be perceived more SPIRITUAL, rather it’s for the purpose that we would be FRUITFUL and EFFECTIVE! The anointing was always given for the sake of others. (Luke 4:18; Isaiah 61:1-11) As we are faithful to live a lifestyle of giving, allowing the anointing to flow from our lives to reach those it’s meant to reach we  become open vessels to receiving more! As John 7:38 declares, from our innermost being, living water burst out from within you! Oh what a joy and delight to be chosen for such a privilege! 

“Believe in me so that rivers of living water will burst out from within you, flowing from your innermost being, just like the Scripture says!””

John 7:38 TPT


1. Can you identify with any of the misconceptions that you have had pertaining to the anointing? Can you add to the list? 

2. Can you recall a time when you were impacted by the anointing either on someone else’s life or flowing through yours? What happened? 

3. Can someone grow in the anointing? (Presence cannot be earned. John 14:21 explains how someone can grow in the anointing.)

4. This Sunday is Easter. It’s a time where we can collectively pray, reach, and invite others to church to hear the gospel. Has God placed someone on your heart that you could invite to church this Sunday? Take some time as a small group to pray for each of them by name. Let’s believe God for a great harvest this Sunday!!!