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“Suddenly, a leper walked up to Jesus and threw himself down before him in worship and said, “Lord, you have the power to heal me . . . if you really want to.” Jesus reached out his hand and touched the leper and said, “Of course I want to heal you—be healed!” And instantly, all signs of leprosy disappeared!”

⁃ Matthew 8:2-3 TPT

Most often in Christian circles, you will find that most believe Jesus is able to heal them. However, the following question often poses a greater threat. Is Jesus willing to heal me? I have to admit, being in the middle of this battle myself, it’s not easy to face the looming possibility of doubt in your mind. How did it get there or why it’s there isn’t important. What’s important is making sure this doubt doesn’t remain. Jesus made it clear is Matthew 8:2-3 that it most certainly his will and desire to heal you and everyone who needs. 

DOUBT is the enemy. Faith is the opposite of doubt. In Matthew 9, we read the story of the woman who had been bleeding for 12 years. She hoped that Jesus would heal her, but FAITH IS THE STEP AFTER HOPE. Faith is acting on our hope. For this lady, faith was doing what she heard from God— actually going to Jesus and touching His clothes. It was the touch that healed her. Her hope became an action that kicked in the power of faith, and her faith caused her to be healed! 


1. Matthew 8 has 4 different accounts of healing. Review and discuss each of them. 

2. Is healing available for us today? (Hebrews 13:8) Do you have a personal testimony of healing? 

3. Have you ever struggled with doubt in the area of healing? 

4. Faith is the step after after hope. Faith isn’t passive. What are practical way to begin moving toward faith?